Publishing ethics

Editorial policy of the collection of research materials "Spirituality of a Personality: Methodology, Theory and Practice'', founder of which is Scientific Research Institute of Spiritual Development of Man of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, is aimed at adhering to ethical standards that are accepted by the international scientific community and correspond to the scientific direction of the collection, which is defined by the Certificate of State Registration and quality standards of scientific works accepted in the scientific community.

Publishing Ethics of the Collection of Research Materials "Spirituality of a Personality: Methodology, Theory and Practice" is worked out on the basis of the documents: Ethical Code of Scientist of Ukraine, Publishing Ethics and Elsevier recommendations; International Standards for Editorial Board and Author.

An important condition for the acceptance of an article to print is the availability of the new original material or new scientific understanding of already known scientific material; non-availability of borrowings without corresponding references or the preliminary agreement; availability of authentic facts, exact description of research results, enough details and bibliographic references for possible reproduction.

In case the author needs to publish a previously published article in the new version, he must submit a bibliographic reference for previous publications and justify the relevance of the publication of the new variant, explaining the changes made to the last version of the article.

It is unacceptable to represent plagiarism as an original work and submit to publication a previously published article. The author should check the article for plagiarism using the appropriate software ( In case of detection of plagiarism by the editorial board, responsibility is carried by the authors of the submitted materials.

The collection allows the authors to keep copyright without limitations.