Editorial Team


Galyna P. Shevchenko - EdD (13.00.01 - Theory and History of Pedagogy), Professor, Full Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Director of the Research Institute of Spiritual Human Development,Head of the UNESCO Chair in Spiritual and Cultural Values of Upbringing and Education, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University Severodonetsk, Ukraine (Editor-in-Chief).

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3438-2858
ID: 1472223
Google Scholar: Profile
Researcher ID: X-3765-2018
e-mail: shevchencko.gala@gmail.com


Svitlana S. Rashydova - PhD in Education (Pedagogical Sciences. 13.00.07 - Theory and Methods of Education), Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk, Ukraine (Editor-in-Chief). (Written consent from 16.01.2014)

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2573-4276
Google Scholar: Profile
ID: 0108224
e-mail: svetlana101068@gmail.com


1) Ivan D. Bekh - Psy.D. (Pedagogical Sciences. 13.00.00; 13.00.09 –Theory of Education), Professor, Full Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Institute of Problems of Education of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. (Written consent from 10.12.2014)

Google Scholar: Profile
ID: 1257933
e-mail: moralandetics@ukr.net

2) Eduard O. Pomytkin - Psy.D. (Psychological Sciences. 19.00.07 - Pedagogical and Age Psychology), Professor, Head of the Department of Labor Psychology, Ivan Ziaziun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. (Written consent from 10.12.2014)

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8416-7067
ID: 0012177
e-mail: edalex@bigmir.net

3) Heorhiy H. Filipchuk - EdD (Pedagogical Sciences. 13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education), Professor, Full Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Member of the Central Board of the T. Shevchenko All-Ukrainian Society "Prosvita", Kyiv, Ukraine. (Written consent from 21.02.2019)

ID: 0002175
e-mail: georg.filipchuk@gmail.com

4) Nataliya Ye. Myropolska - EdD (Pedagogical Sciences. 13.00.01 - General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy), Professor, Chief Scientific Officer of the Institute of Problems on Education of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. (Written consent from 16.01.2014)

Google Scholar: Profile
ID: 0003369

5) Yuriy V. Pelekh - EdD (Pedagogical Sciences. 13.00.01 –General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy; 13.00.04 - Theory and Methods of Professional Education), Professor, Rivne, Ukraine. (Written consent from 10.12.2014)

Google Scholar: Profile
ID: 0004837
e-mail: yuriipelekh@gmail.com

6) Yevgeniy A. Zelenov - EdD (Pedagogical Sciences. 13.00.07 - Theory and Methods of Education), Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk, Ukraine. (Written consent from 16.01.2014)

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6296-1067
Google Scholar: Profile
ID: 0001992
e-mail: olmer1954@gmail.com

7) Petro O. Tadeiev - EdD (13.00.01 - General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy); Professor, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Computer Engineering, Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics, National University of Water Management and Nature Management, Rivne, Ukraine. (Written consent from 21.02.2019)

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0168-5657
Google Scholar: Profile
ID: 0006263
e-mail: ptadeyev@online.ua

8) Тамара Г. Тюріна - EdD (Pedagogical Sciences. 13.00.07 - Theory and Method of Education), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine. (Written consent from 21.02.2019)

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9421-9350
ID: 1464890
e-mail: tamaratyurina@yandex.ua

9) Mykola M. Chursin - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Ed.D) (Pedagogical sciences. 13.00.01 – General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy), Associate Professor of Information and Media Communication Department, Odessa National Polytechnic University; Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Culturology and Information Activity of Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk, Ukraine. (Written consent from 30.11.2019 г.)

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2445-6232
Google Scholar: Profile
ID: 0006261
e-mail: Chursin2n@i.ua

10) Tetyana L. Antonenko - Psy D (Psychological Sciences. 19.00.07 – Educational and Developmental Psychology); PhD in Education (Pedagogical Sciences. 13.00.07 - Theory and History of Education), Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk, Ukraine. (Written consent from 30.05.2019)

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7588-382X
Google Scholar: Profile
ID: 1472248
e-mail: tl.antonenko@gmail.com

11) Yuri I. Svatko - Doctor of Philology (10.02.01 – Ukrainian Language; 10.02.19 –Theory of Linguistics), (additional specialty – 09.00.00 – Philosophical Sciences), Professor, Chairman of the Coordination Board for the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme in Ukraine, Chair holder of the UNESCO Chair "Human Rights, Peace, Democracy, Tolerance and International Understanding" at the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", Principal Coordinator of the Inter-university Network of UNESCOChairs and their Partners "Culture of Peace via Communication", Member of the National Commission of Ukraine for UNESCO, Kyiv, Ukraine. (Written consent from 10.12.2014)

Google Scholar: Profile
ID: 1259452
e-mail: unsvat@gmail.com

12) Oleg O. Bazaluk - D.Phil. (Philosophical Sciences. 09.00.03 – Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History 09.00.05 – History of Pahilosophy), Professor, Headofthe Philosophу Department of Hryhory Skovoroda Pereyaslav – Khmelnitskyi State Pedagogical University, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitskyi-Kyiv, Ukraine. (Written consent from 21.02.2019)

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1623-419X
Google Scholar: Profile
ID: 0011826
Scopus Author ID: 56488041400
e-mail: bazaluk@ukr.net

13) Volodymyr I. Kafarskyi - Dr. jur. (12.00.02 - ConstitutionalLaw), PhDin, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Political Sciences, Director of the Research Center of Ukrainian Constitutionalism, Head of the Department of Special Legal Disciplines Law of National University of Water Management and Nature Management, freelance consultant of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Science and Education, Rivne - Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. (Written consent from 30.05.2019)

ID: 0004301
e-mail: volodimirkafarskij@gmail.com

14) Galena Ivanova - EdD, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Education, Plovdiv University "Paisiya Hilendarsky", Plovdiv, Republic of Bulgaria. (Written consent from 16.01.2014)

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5863-4389
e-mail: galenaivanova@abv.bg

15) John W. Fisher - Phil D, EdD, PhD,MSc, MEd, Adjunct Associate Professor, Faculty of Education & Arts,Federation University Australia,Ballarat, Australia; Hon. Senior Research Fellow Centre for Religious & Spirituality Education, Hong Kong Institute of Education; Hon. Senior Fellow, Rural Health Academic Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Melbourne; Visiting Professor, Institute of Health, Medical Sciences & Society, University of Glyndŵr, Wales, UK. (Written consent from 16.01.2013)

Scopus Author ID: 8705358200
e-mail: j.fisher@federation.edu.au

16) Ernst Wagner - PhD (Arts Education), Professor Emeritus, Senior Researcher, Lecturer, Friedrich Alexander-University in Erlangen-Nuremberg, Executive Coordinatorat the UNESCO Chair in Artsand Culturein Education, Munich, Germany. (Written consent from 16.01.2014)

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0939-8153
e-mail: ernst@wagner-mchn.de

17) Leslie J. Francis - PhD, DLitt, ScD, DD, CPsychol, FBPsS, FCP, Warwick Religions&Education Research Unit, Centre for Education Studies, The University of Warwick, Coventry, England, UK. (Written consent from 16.01.2014)

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2946-9980
Google Scholar: Profile
Scopus Author ID: 7102771786
e-mail: leslie.francis@warwick.ac.uk

18) Christopher A. Lewis - DPhil (Psychology of Religion), MA, MEd, MSc, MPhil,BSc, PGCUT, Lecturer in Psychology, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leeds Trinity University, Leeds, United Kingdom; Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology, Bashkir State University, Ufa. (Written consent from 30.11.2019 р.)

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2314-2899
Scopus Author ID: 35510684200
e-mail: c.lewis@leedstrinity.ac.uk

19) D. Paul Sсhafer - Main Economics, Economic Consultant, The Province of Ontario Council for the Arts; Assistant Director, The Province of Ontario Council for the Arts; Associate Professor and Director; Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Coordinator, Co-operative Programmein International Development (1984-1990), Coordinator, Co-operative Programmein Arts Administration (1984-1988);Visiting Associate Professor, York University; Director, World Culture Project, Markham, Canada. (Written consent from 16.01.2014)

Scopus Author ID: 7102526654
Web of Site of the World Culture Project: official website
e-mail: dpaulschafer@sympatico.ca

20) А. Klim-Klimaszewska - Dr. Hab., Professor, Institute of Pedagogy, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland. (Written consent from 21.02.2019 р.)

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7418-9983
Google Scholar: Profile
Scopus Author ID: 57195477948
Researchgate Profile: Profile