



Spiritual awakening, psychological mechanisms and patterns, biographical analysis, spiritual development of youth, education system


The problem of the spiritual awakening of the individual at the present stage of human development is actualized. The ideas of spiritual awakening in the views of religious leaders, philosophers, psychologists and teachers are given. The psychological mechanisms of the development of this process in ontogenesis are considered, including identification with a person who has a high spiritual potential; decentration as the ability to free oneself from self-centeredness and taking into account the needs of others; reflection, which leads to the ability to pay attention to your inner world and experience; transcendence associated with the peak experiences of the personality, striving for the absolute, perfect, ideal; awareness of the unity of being, makes it possible for the individual to comprehend himself as a part of a single whole - the human community, nature, the Universe.
Based on the results of a biographical analysis of the life paths of spiritual ascetics in the history of mankind, the psychological regularities of the spiritual ascent of an individual are highlighted, in particular, the determination of spiritual awakening by spiritual ideals, meanings and values learned in early childhood; thoughtfulness in the years of early childhood over global world problems, including life and death, wealth and poverty, disadvantaged and offended children; meeting with a person - a carrier of high spiritual potential, becomes fateful; conditionality of spiritual awakening by an information impetus as a result of reading a certain book or important life events, losses that make you think about the meaning of life.
It is concluded that it is necessary to create psychological and pedagogical conditions favorable for the spiritual awakening of young people in the system of modern education. The psychological and pedagogical conditions favorable for the actualization of the psychological mechanisms of the spiritual awakening of youth are determined.

Author Biographies

Eduard Pomytkin, Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education named after Ivan Zyazyun, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Pomytkin Eduard Olexandrovych – Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Leading Researcher, Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education named after Ivan Zyazyun, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine). E-mail: Edalex@bigmir.net

Lyubov Pomytkina, National Aviation University

Pomytkina Lyubov Vitaliivna – Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Aviation Psychology, National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine). E-mail: Lyubvit@ukr.net

