


Spirituality, spiritual awakening of the personality, spiritual values, moral principles, culture of feelings, emotional underdevelopment


The article provides a theoretical analysis of the problem of spiritual awakening of the personality. Referring to the work of S. Sommer, the author focuses on the upbringing of the highest spiritual values, which are so lacking in today’s society. The author of the article describes moral principles, following which, according to S. Sommer, a person can rise to a higher level of his development. The author notes that spirituality, as the most important sign of the life of the human race, is the foundation of life creativity and Universal consciousness. The author accentuates that the level of spiritual development of the personality is the source of his spiritual awakening, which is the foundation of spiritual security, the upbringing of culture, moral and aesthetic values, culture of feelings, ideals, values and senses sphere, and "pure aura of the soul."
The author gives characteristics of the stages of spiritual awakening of the personality and identifies its factors, such as emotional and aesthetic attitudes, aesthetic perception of man and nature, aesthetic response, creative aesthetic self-expression, ability to dialogue, level of artistic and aesthetic culture, spiritually moral and aesthetic ideals.
The author clarifies the essence of the concepts of "spiritual awakening", "spiritual self-affirmation of the personality", "spiritual self-standing", "spiritual and moral freedom", "spiritual and moral independence", "spiritual and practical height", "spiritual healing", "spiritual sensibility", "spiritual growth of the personality", "spiritual evolution of consciousness", "personal spiritual hygiene", and "strict spiritual discipline," and "general moral horizon".

Author Biography

Galyna Shevchenko, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Shevchenko Galyna Pavlivna – Full Member of the NAES of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Ed.D.), Professor, Director of the Scientific-Research Institute of Spiritual Development of Man, Head of the UNESCO Chair "Spiritual and Cultural Values of Upbringing and Education", Member of the National Commission of Ukraine in the affairs of UNESCO, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Severodonetsk – Kyiv, Ukraine). E-mail:

