


Media competence, media literacy, media education, media culture, future teachers


The article substantiates the essence of the problem of preparing a teacher who is aware of his/her social responsibility, constantly taking care of his/her personal and professional growth, is able to achieve new pedagogical goals. A modern teacher needs flexibility and non-standard thinking, the ability to adapt to rapid changes in living conditions, which make new demands on the professional competence of the teacher. At the same time, modern students – representatives of the new generation of teachers – will have to solve more complicated tasks in practice than their predecessors, they should be ready to face the problems of constant complication of the content of education, the need to guarantee a high level of educational standards, independent formulation and solution of creative and research assignments; continuous mastering of progressive technologies of education and training, new achievements of domestic and foreign experience. Their activities should take place in a single information environment, which provides for the rational use of information technology in the educational process. Researchers emphasize that in the context of the transition from a post-industrial society to an information society, the education system is faced with new tasks associated with the development of pedagogical strategies in a mass computerization and informatization of all aspects of life. A new stage in the development of information society requires the education system to train information literate specialists, who are ready to fully interact with the modern media system. From the twenty-first century, the informatization of society is becoming more widespread. Media plays an important role in our lives and has changed the way we communicate, the way we exchange information and data, and attracts most professions, especially teachers and students. But today, as a result of the pandemic in the world, the function of media has transformed and grown as it acts as the main mediator in the exchange of information in the educational process. That is why there is an urgent need for purposeful training of future teachers in the skillful use of media.

Author Biography

Inna Serhiienko, NULES of Ukraine

Serhiienko Inna Volodymyrivna – Assistant of Romance and Germanic Languages and Translation Department of NULES of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine). E-mail:

