


man, structure, authentic pedagogical education, humanocentric pedagogical education, ecological principle, spiritual values of pedagogues, pedagogical consciousness


Unfortunately, in Ukrainian education, both pedagogical and school, there is no concept of "man". Current pedagogical practice also shows many distortions in semantics and other basic concepts. It has therefore become our task to draw attention to these facts and to demonstrate their consequences in the school case.

It is clear that the scientific development of the concept of "man", first and foremost of its conformity with the nature of man, his essence and his vocation, depends on the extent to which the work of teachers will meet the requirements of modernity.

Therefore, the structure of the very concept of "man" established by us becomes especially important, in the key of the author's interpretation of which all other concepts are considered – the individual, individuality, personality.

The author's conception of the human being focuses the attention of educators on the main sense of pedagogical activity - the study of the child through contemplation and communication with him. As a result, teachers learn the main pedagogical mechanism of working with the human being.

In this article, the author also focuses on what kind of teacher the teacher training universities should prepare under the conditions of human-centered pedagogical education, and for this teacher should become the goal of such education, and therefore the main achievement of it!

Whereas the result of the proposed naturally becomes an authentic pedagogical education the teacher gets, and the consequence of this is the ability to carry out childcentric school education.

Obviously, the professional training of such a teacher should acquire, first of all, a spiritual meaning, for which he or she needs to be "fed / filled" with the ideas and spirit of the classics of pedagogy. Under this condition, there will be a rethinking and reorientation of value directions in education: the qualitative upbringing of a child / person will take place on the platform of spirituality, morality, culture. That's how we will use the CHANCE to get a new Ukrainian TEACHER!

Author Biography

Olha Vyhovska, All-Ukrainian scientific-practical journal "Principal of School, Lyceum, Gymnasium"

Vyhovska Olha Ivanіvna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Editor-in-chief of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical journal "Principal of School, Lyceum, Gymnasium", Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Member of the National Association of Journalists of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine). E-mail:

