


interactive methods, interactive technology, work in small groups, roundabout, aquarium, work in pairs, work in threes, communication skills, competency approach


Modern information technology opens new prospects for improving the efficiency of the educational process. The paradigm of education itself is changing. An important role is given to the methods of active cognition, self-education, distance educational programs. The article proves that the purpose of using interactive methods in the study of these courses is to create a comfortable learning environment in which all students interact with each other, where classes provide an opportunity to discuss various issues, prove, argue their own views, i.e., interaction between teacher and student, which orient the individual to the development of their creative and mental abilities and communication skills.

Orientation of modern education on the development of the independent cognitive activity of students, taking into account personal paths and opportunities requires the development and implementation of appropriate pedagogical technology. The use of interactive methods in the educational process of higher educational institutions in the study of philosophical courses creates conditions for the development of self-realization of the individual and helps to achieve high intellectual development of students.

After all, to the extent, it depends on the pedagogical skills of the teacher, including the manifestation of their personal tolerance in the educational process. The introduction of interactive learning technology in the pedagogical process of higher educational institutions is a necessary condition for the optimal development of both learners and those who teach.

Author Biographies

Olha Aliieva, SHEI "Donbas State Pedagogical University"

Aliieva Olha Heorhiivna – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History and Socio-humanitarian Courses of SHEI “Donbas State Pedagogical University” (Dnipro, Ukraine). E-mail:

Halyna Diakovska , SHEI "Donbas State Pedagogical University"

Diakovska Halyna Oleksandrivna – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History and Socio-humanitarian Courses of SHEI “Donbas State Pedagogical University” (Dnipro, Ukraine). E-mail:

