


interpretation of a vocal and choral work, concert and choral performance, conducting, cultural and educational environment


The article examines the theoretical aspects of the problem of finding ways to develop choral performance under the conditions of the modern cultural and educational environment. The purpose of the materials presented in the publication is to actualize the appeal to choral interpretation as an effective means of awakening and developing the interest of schoolchildren in collective singing activities. The concept of "choral interpretation" and significant aspects of youth involvement in choral performance are analyzed. Priority is given to relying on the following components of collective music-creative activity: perceptual (peculiarities of musical perception, empathy, comprehension of musical information, its semantic and emotional content); communicative (dialogue between performers and authors of a musical work, choirmaster and choir singers, members of the choir, the performing team and the listening audience); interactive (creative interaction between all participants of the artistic and creative process).

Choral interpretation is considered in line with the characteristic trends in the development of modern musical performance, musical education, among which a multi-artistic approach to the organization of musical activity stands out. Choral interpretation is analyzed as a type, form of collective artistic and creative, musical activity, a means of musical performance and musical education.

Two main directions of choral interpretation (artistic and personalized interpretation) and requirements for the leader-choirmaster and choir singers are analyzed. Inadequate preparation of music teachers and teachers of additional education for the inclusion of choral interpretation in the musical-educational process and concert-performance practice is noted. The necessity of a more active inclusion in the content of the professional training of teachers-musicians of the sections focusing on the practical implementation of the elements of interpretation of a vocal work in the musical and educational process is substantiated.

Author Biography

Oleg Dzyuba , Izmail State Humanitarian University

Dzyuba Oleg Andriiovych – People's Artist of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Musical and Image-Creative Arts, Izmail State Humanitarian University (Izmail, Ukraine). E-mail:

