
  • Olha Luchaninova Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (Educational and Scientific Institute «Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies»)



patriotism, spiritual and moral value, patriotism in the light of war, spiritual mobilization, the idea of an organized nation


The author presents the fourth article, which deepens the topic of patriotism in war, reveals its features on the example of the struggle of soldiers of two countries where a treacherous war is waged. The world's religions focus on a moral person who is responsible for himself, other people, and the world, because without responsibility there is no moral person. That is why attention is paid to higher education, where the last stage of socialization of students is coming to an end and teachers must convey to them that today's Ukrainian patriotism is not bookish, advertising, or political. During this wartime, it has become a barometer of dignity, honor, victory, and courage, a natural character trait of an ordinary Ukrainian, because it has genetic roots in the millennial history of struggle.

The purpose of the article is to reveal patriotism as a spiritual and moral value of the individual in the light of the two wars of the twenty-first century on the example of the struggle for independence of the peoples of the two countries, to explain the peculiarities of modern patriotism for students.

The analysis, synthesis, comparison, and generalization are used to understand patriotism as a spiritual and moral value of a person.

Attention is focused on the general patriotism of national and civic orientation, which should become the main course of state development in the postwar period

It is emphasized that patriotism can have much in common among the peoples of different countries, if there is a just war in the name of humanity and independence, such patriotism is effective: it is easier for Ukrainian and Israeli soldiers to formulate a strategy for victory because their war is just, righteous, and they are patriotic defenders.

It is emphasized that the spiritual mobilization of Ukrainians should be not only at the front. Scholars put forward the idea of an organized nation, the tools for the development of which should be the Institute of Ukrainian Studies, the content of which should be the propaganda of the Ukrainian way of life: having learned to build Ukrainian life on their own traditions, such a people will not only understand what needs to be defended, but even prevent attacks or thoughts of war from enemies.

The article presents the results of a survey on the understanding of patriotism by Ukrainians. The features of the patriotism of the Israeli people and the education of patriotism through school students are described.

The novelty is that patriotism is rapidly acquiring signs of spiritual and moral value of the individual in the conditions of war.

The practical significance is that the parallels of understanding patriotism in the light of two wars are practical material for the teacher in the process of forming effective patriotism through the actions of those who actually defend their people and their land.

Author Biography

Olha Luchaninova , Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (Educational and Scientific Institute «Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies»)

Luchaninova Olha Petrіvna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Iron and Steel Metallurgy (Engineering Pedagogy of Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (Educational and Scientific Institute «Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies») (Dnipro, Ukraine).

