



Spirituality, professional culture, spiritual foundations, pedagogical culture, spiritual culture, universal values


The professional culture of an English teacher as a systemic characteristic and activity of a foreign language teacher's personality, which is an integral unity of such interrelated and interdependent components as need-motivational, activity-personal, organizational and creative,  are considered in this article. The aim of the research is to substantiate theoretically the spiritual foundations and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the professional culture of future English teachers in the higher education system. The professional culture is considered as the way in which teachers develop their activities in educational institutions. Among the indicators that can be used to characterize the spiritual foundations of professional culture of an English teacher, the following are distinguished: the level of assimilation common spiritual values and culture; the nature of choice and the level of participation personality in the production of spiritual values, in the development and consumption of spiritual wealth; orientation of motives for participation in the creation and consumption of spiritual values; the level of education, qualifications, cultures of thinking, feelings and behavior. The components of professional pedagogical culture: axiological, technological and personal and creative are analyzed.

The strategic provisions of the concept of academician G. Shevchenko on the importance of education and upbringing, which should fulfill the most important mission of the current civilization – to form the “Spiritualized Image of Man of Culture of the XXIst century” in the younger generations are used. The professional culture of an English teacher is determined as a systematic characteristic and activity of the personality of a foreign language teacher, which represents the integral unity of such interrelated and interdependent components: need-motivational, activity-personality, organizational and creative. The structural components of the professional culture of a future English teacher are characterized.

Author Biography

Olga Krsek, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Krsek Olga Yevgenivna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication Department of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Severodonetsk, Ukraine). E-mail: krsek@i.ua


