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No. 48 (2024)
					View No. 48 (2024)
Published: 25.12.2024


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Dear colleges!

Welcome to the web-site of the scientific collected book «Topical issues of law: theory and practice».

The collected book of scientific works “Topical issues of law: theory and practice” was founded in 2000.

It is published by Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University since November 2000.

Certificate of Registration of the Printed Mass Information: series КВ № 15362-3934Р of 05.06.2009.

The collected book is included in the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine (re-registration: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1471 of  26.11.2020).

The collected book of scientific works “Topical issues of law: theory and practice” is registered in the International Center ISSN (France, Paris), it is assigned the international scientific serial number ISSN 2218-5461 (print), 2412-4397 (online).

The collected book of scientific works “Topical issues of law: theory and practice” is included in the International Scientometric Database "Index Copernicus International" (Poland). Access Mode:

The scientific journal “Topical issues of law: theory and practice” is in the Register of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine.

It is available on the web-site of Vernadsky National Library as: “Topical issues of law: theory and practice”.

Publication frequency: the journal is published twice a year.

Thematic scope: publication of scientific articles on theoretical and applied problems of law.

Language of publishing: Ukrainian, English. 

Publication policy: the collection of scientific works "Topical issues of law: theory and practice" aims to highlight theoretical and practical issues of the development of the national legal system on the basis of the rule of law in the conditions of the intensification of Ukraine's European aspirations, methodological and applied problems of modern jurisprudence and the experience of implementing the legal mechanism protection of human rights and reform of the current legislation.

The main tasks of publications are to promote the development of domestic scientific potential, publish the main scientific results of dissertations by degree holders and researches of applicants for the award of scientific titles, create conditions for high-quality public communication of scientists on the basis of academic integrity, etc.

The editors support the Budapest Open Access Initiative, which promotes the accelerated development of science, and according to the principles of which the entire content of the collection is freely accessible and free of charge to the user or his institution. Users are guaranteed the ability to freely read, download, copy, distribute, print, search and link to the full texts of articles in the magazine " Topical issues of law: theory and practice ".

Figures, tables and short quotations from the journal can be published in scientific books and journals free of charge, but the materials must be indicated accordingly (for example: author, title of the article, " Topical issues of law: theory and practice", year of publication, volume number , page number, figure number, and DOI for the article if provided).

Reprinting, systematic reproduction or collective redistribution of any material from the journal " Topical issues of law: theory and practice " is permitted only with the consent of the journal editors.

The official site of the scientific collection " Topical issues of law: theory and practice " is built on the  Open Journal Systems.